Cheerleader. Not something I usually do but I don't usually watch races, usually I'm running in them. I found myself this past Friday cheering for my son in his first 5k ever. We'd planned on running it together this summer when he wanted to start running with me. I promised that after the Columbus half that I'd run it with him...I hadn't planned on not being able to run it. I was a bit bummed to say the least.
Earlier in the week, I'd been inspired by going to the gym and even though my heel had been hurting all day the darn treadmill called my name and I managed to run a grand total of.... 1/4 mile. Woo hoo! Limped the whole time and called it quits after 3 minutes. I felt like such a loser. Some chick was doing a run on one of the other treadmills and was going at a decent clip (although I'm sure I could have run faster if I were healthy) (I can't stand that I'm so competitive) and had to walk to the bike. Grrrr. The bike and I are not friends. It sucks. Anyways, the next day my heel was hurting like crazy again, so lesson learned...I'm not going to be able to run a 5k in a few days.
After they started, Buster and I walked back to the finish line, and it was getting a bit chilly so we went back to the car for about 15 mins. Buster loved it since he finally got to pig out on his candy that he’d gotten from a friend at school. I managed to munch on a few candy corns as well… must remember that I’m no longer running so no need for those calories. I felt a little bad that we weren’t on the course but it would have been impossible to get back in time to see the end. We headed back to the finish line after our candy fix, cheer on the first finishers and wait…Finally they show up, Cub is looking pretty tired but when he hears the music and us (I hope) that he was able to finish. 32:35. Awesome job for a 7 year old! They had a great spread of food for the runners after the race- good since the race was over supper time! We hung out for a while long enough for the awards. Cub managed to get 2nd place in the 0-8 year old age group! His buddy got 1st place. They both were super excited- no doubt both boys will continue to run for years to come! It was bitter sweet- I wanted to run that with him but I so happy that he did such a great job!
Now I have a goal: Jingle Bell run, Dec. 3rd with Cub.
On a completely different note: Like my new design for the blog? I could not for the life of me get rid of the brown box that went behind my title. I tried all the templates that were offered to see if it would go away. Nothing seemed to work, except for putting my own picture there. It’s huge. Sorry about that, really don’t need a huge picture of me, but I guess it does have my boys and me after a race so it’s fitting.