I have been a fan of Athlinks for years. It is a great website to find all the races you've run and collect the times, places, etc in one place. This is the electronic version of a race log! But now, they have an app! Yay! Makes it easier to find your results now along with seeing who is going to be running races that you've signed up. You can have rivals or friends to follow....I choose friends.
The nice thing with Athlinks is you can sort your races. When someone asks how many 5ks have you run or 1/2 marathons? Now you can easily check. I've run 31 5ks and 11 half marathons. Boom. You can see your times improve over the years or slow down. If you have a coach, this is a great thing to share with them for seeing your whole running career in one spot.
It's easy:
Step 1: Sign up (it's free) online or the app
Step 2: Look up your name under the unclaimed results! You can limit it to State or age so your not looking at all the people with your name. (at the same time- kinda cool to see your name shared with other athletic peeps!)
Step 3: claim the result and you can ignore other results. For example, my friend raced under my registration for a local 5k...I ignored that result since it isn't really me. Same works for people with the same name as you.
If you are a runner, then you need to get on Athlinks. Takes the work out of looking up your past race results!